Michael Fallon is a longtime writer and editor on arts and culture based in Minneapolis, where he serves as the Executive Director of Minneapolis TV Network, a public access community media center. He has published hundreds of reviews, feature articles, essays, and profiles in print and on the internet for City Pages in Minneapolis, the Orange County Weekly, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Pittsburgh City Paper, Minneapolis–St. Paul magazine, the Utne Reader, Public Art Review, American Craft, and Art in America. Fallon received national attention for his blog about the struggles of artists, The Chronicle of Artistic Failure in America. His current blog—Pacific Ocean Blue: Tales of L.A's Past/Tales of L.A. Today—is focused on the art, culture, and history of Southern California. Fallon studied art at UC Berkeley and in the graduate program in art at Cal State Fullerton, and completed a Master's in Arts Management at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where, while spearheading a comprehensive study of the nation's aging artists, he interviewed Californian luminaries like Llyn Foulkes and George Herms. Please visit writermichaelfallon.com.