Michael Dubson is a Senior Instructor in the Physics Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he is Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies and a member of the Physics Education Research group. He received his B.S. from the University of Illinois (class of 1978) and his Ph.D. from Cornell University (1984). For ten years, he worked as a condensed matter experimentalist, doing research at Ohio State and Michigan State Universities, and winning an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award. In 1995, he switched careers and joined the faculty at Boulder, where he has worked on innovative teaching methods and undergraduate curriculum development. He is the winner of several teaching awards, including the 2006 American Association of Physics Teachers Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education. He is also a software developer for PhET (http: //phet.colorado.edu), a suite of free, interactive simulations for learning science. His (non-physics) interests include amateur astronomy, French literature, and biking with his wife Gisele.