Xenia Naidenova is a senior researcher of the Group of Psycho Diagnostic Systems' Automation at the Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia). She is currently the head of Project DIALOG: Methods of Data Mining in Psychological and Physiological Diagnostics. Dr. Naidenova received a diploma of engineering with a specialty in computer engineering (1963) and a PhD in technical sciences (1979), both from the Lenin Electro-Technical Institute of Leningrad. In 1999 she received a senior researcher diploma from the Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia). She has guided the development of several program systems on knowledge acquisition and machine learning including DEFINE, SIZIF, CLAST, LAD, and diagnostic test machines and has published over 150 papers. Dr. Naidenova is a member of the Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence and is on the Program Committee for the KDS.