117 books
Compilation of Correspondence and Statistical Data from the Records and Files of the Department of the Interior in Relation to Coal Lands in the Indian Territory; The Acreage and Approximate Value Thereof, the Thickness of the Various
Decisions of the Department of the Interior in Appealed Pension and Retirement Claims; Also a Table of Cases Reported, Cited, Distinguished, Modified, and Overruled and of Statutes Cited and Construed Volume 18
Circular Volume 1-6
Message of the President and Accompanying Documents Volume 1
Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma; Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in Support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Ce
Memoires de Madame de Mornay (1 )
Die Neuen Serapionsbruder; Roman in Drei Banden (1)
Revised Leasing Regulations of June 11, 1907 Governing Leasing of Lands of Members of the Five Civilized Tribes
The Hot Springs of Arkansas; Report of an Analysis of the Waters ... on the Hot Springs Reservation ... Garland County, Ark., with an Account of the Methods of Analysis Employed and the Medicinal Value of Various Substances Usually Found
The Texas Civil Appeals Reports; Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Civil Appeals of the State of Texas Volume 22
Message of the President and Accompanying Documents Volume 2
Decisions of the Department of the Interior in Appealed Pension and Retirement Claims; Also a Table of Cases Reported, Cited, Distinguished, Modified,
Annual Report of the Department of the Interior Volume 2
Digest of Decisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Office in Cases Relating to Public Lands. Volumes 1 to 10, Inclusive
Die Gedichte Ossian's (1-2 )
Chroniquesd'auton, Jean (3)
Commentarium in Epistolam S. Pauli Ad Galatas (3 )
Die Ritter Vom Geiste; Roman in Neun Buchern (7-9 )
Storia Della Guerra Dell'independenza Degli Stati Uniti D'America, 1
Les Historiettes de Tallemant Des Reaux (7 )
Oeuvres Completes de La Rochefoucauld; Nouvelle Edition, Avec Des Notices Sur La Vie de La Rochefoucauld Et Sur Des Divers Ouvrages, Un Choix de Varia
Le Droit Civil Explique
Denkwurdigkeiten Des Marschalls Marmont, Herzogs Von Ragusa, Von 1792 Bis 1841; Nach Dessen Hinterlassenem Original-Manuscript (5 )
Die Revolution; Historische Untersuchungen Uber Den Ursprung Und Die Verbreitung Des Bosen in Europa Von Der Renaissance Bis Auf Unsere Zeit. Die Fran