42 books
The American Quarterly Observer (Volume 3)
The American Quarterly Observer (Volume 1)
The Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer Volume 6
Memoirs of REV. Elias Cornelius
The Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer (Volume 8)
The American Biblical Repository
Writings (Volume 2)
Introduction to the Eclectic Reader; A Selection of Familiar Lessons, Designed for Common Schools
The Eclectic Reader
Classical Studies - Essays On Ancient Literature And Art - With The Biography And Correnspondence Of Eminent Philologists
Memoir of the REV. Elias Cornelius
Grammar of the Greek Language, for the Use of High Schools and Colleges
Selections from German Literature
Writings of Professor B. B. Edwards
Writings of Professor B. B. Edwards (1)
Address Delivered at Southampton, Mass.
Biography of Self Taught Men