16 books
English Monastic Life - Primary Source Edition
Parish Life in Mediaeval England - Primary Source Edition
The Eve of the Reformation
Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer; An Examination Into Its Origin and Early History with an Appendix of Unpublished Documents
The Bosworth Psalter; An Account of a Manuscript Formerly Belonging to O. Turville-Petre Esq. of Bosworth Hall Now Addit. Ms. 37517 at the British Museum
The Great Pestilence (A. D. 1348-9)
A History of the Venerable English College, Rome; An Account of Its Origins and Work from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
A Short History of the Catholic Church in England
Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. an Attempt to Illustrate the History of Their Suppression Volume 1
A History of the Venerable English College, Rome
Henry VIII and the English Monasteries (Volume 2); An Attempt to Illustrate the History of Their Suppression
English Monastic Life
Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer
Henry VIII and the English Monasteries
Parish Life in Mediaeval England
The Last Abbot of Glastonbury