E. Ayers is a true believer in love at first sight because it happened to her, she thinks everyone should find that special someone. When it happens, it's magical. Writing about that love is what she enjoys doing and when she's not spending time with her two dogs and waiting on his royal highness (the cat), she's busy writing. The official matchmaker for all the characters who wander through her brain, she likes finding just the right ones to create a story. She writes a slice-of-life novel, the romantic slice in two characters lives. In today's world, most people have careers and responsibilities. Figuring out how to blend two separate lives into one can be a huge dilemma. No one is perfect. She brings that into what she writes. The fantasy of a handsome hunk who will sweep the damsel off her feet and carry her off to a castle in the clouds is still there, but that castle is probably a condo. And that damsel isn't going to be persuaded by a few smooth lines.