31 books • 6 series
My Vampire Brother's Keeper
KC2 Cassius
The Lovers Pentacle 3
The Furies Vol 9 (Furies, #9)
The Sacred Mask 5 (The Sacred Mask, #5)
The Lovers Pentacle II
The Furies Vol 8
Scary Cat and the Spooky Mansion
The Lovers Pentacle
The Sacred Mask 4 (The Sacred Mask, #4)
Complete Short Stories
The Sacred Mask III
Scary Cat and Birthday Mime
The Sacred Mask
My Sweet Vampire Candice
The Furies Vol 6 (Furies, #6)
Saturnastra Chalon
Gatico Miedoso va a la escuela
Scary Cat Goes to School
Gatico Miedoso (Gatico Miedoso, #1)
Scary Cat (Scary Cat, #1)
The House
Marduke (Saturnastra, #1)
Primordial Chaos