16 books • 1 series
Exodus and Daniel
You Know the Right Answer
Tell Yourself the Best Story (Suggested Reading)
The Later Genesis - Scholar's Choice Edition
Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo-Sax., with an Engl. Tr., Notes and Index by B. Thorpe
The Fall of Man; Or Paradise Lost of Caedmon, Tr. in Verse from the Anglo-Saxon, with a New Metrical Arrangement of the Lines of Part of the Oringinal Text, and an Introduction on the Versification of Caedmon, by William H.F. Bosanquet
Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures
Exodus and Daniel; Two Old English Poems Preserved in Ms. Junius 11 in the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford, England...
Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures; In Anglo-Saxon
The Later Genesis
Clement Marot
Caedmon's Exodus and Daniel
The Later Genesis and Other Old English and Old Saxon Texts Relating to the Fall of Man; Edited by Fr. Klaeber
Caedmon's Des Angelsachsen Biblische Dichtungen. Hrsg. Von K.W. Bouterwek Volume 1
Clement Marot, and Other Studies, Volumes 1-2
The Junius Manuscript