At age eight Elma Schemenauer wrote a poem about spring, put it into a bottle, and threw it into a pond on the western Canadian wheat farm where she grew up. This was her first foray into writing and publishing, which have been her passions ever since. Elma received her education at the Universities of Saskatchewan and Toronto, and at Briercrest Bible College. Not sure how to become a writer, she began her working life as a teacher, teaching in Saskatchewan, Montana, and Nova Scotia. Eventually she moved to Toronto to pursue her dream of getting into publishing. Over the course of her career, she has edited numerous books, as well as writing more than 60 of them, many for young people. Her books, which have been published in the United States and Canada, reflect her varied interests including history, geography, biography, literature, cooking, camping, values, religion, and ethnic minorities. Blue Flowered Oilcloth, one of Elma's current works in progress, is an adult novel about prairie Mennonites of the 1940s.