• Country: Canada
LAURA ROBINSON has been a freelance journalist for nearly twenty years, and she is the author of five books on issues in sports. She was a former member of Canada’s national cycling team and a former Canadian rowing champion. Robinson coaches the Anishinaabe Racers, a mountain bike and Nordic ski team at Cape Croker First Nation Elementary School in Ontario, Canada. Her first children’s book, Great Girls: Profiles of Awesome Canadian Athletes, became a best seller. Cyclist BikeList: The Book for Every Rider is her second children’s book.

RAMÓN K. PÉREZ has been working as a cartoonist for little over a decade. His catalogue of work is as diverse as the styles he employs. He has illustrated comic books, manga, children’s books, role-playing games, collectible card games, and magazines. Ramón K. Pérez is the creator of a somewhat autobiographical weekly online comic strip Butternutsquash and the new adventure comic strip Kukuburi.