12 books
The high court of justice Or, Cromwell's new slaughter house in England
Relations and Observations, Historical and Politick, Upon the Parliament Begun Anno Dom. 1640
The High Court of Justice or Cromwels New Slaughter House in England
Relations and Observations Historical and Political Upon the Parliament Begun 1640
The Mysterie of the Tvvo Ivnto's, Presbyterian and Independent. Or, the Serpent in the Bosome, Vnfolded. (1647)
The Mystery of the Two Ivntos Presbyterian and Independent. Or, the Serpent in the Bosome Vnfolded. (1647)
The History of Independency the Fourth and Last Part
The History of Independency, with the Rise, Growth, and Practices of That Powerfull and Restlesse Faction. (1648)
Anarchia Anglicana
The Mysterie of the Tvvo Junto's, Presbyterian and Independent. Or, the Serpent in the Bosome Unfolded, Newly Re-Printed, with Large Additions (1647)
Walker's Anarchia Anglicana, Or, the History of Independency with Observations Historicall and Politique Upon Parliament Begun Anno 16 Caroli Primi, Anno Domini, 1640
Anarchia Anglicana, Or, the History of Independency. Being a Continuation of Relations and Observations Historical and Politique Upon This Present Parliament Begun Anno 16, Caroli Primi / By Theordorus Verax. (1649)