12 books • 1 series
Synopsis Papismi, Or, a General View of the Papacy (Volume 5 ); With General Confutations of Romish Errors from the Scriptures, Fathers, Councils, Etc
Synopsis Papismi, Or, a General View of the Papacy
Tetrastylon Papismi
Synopsis Papismi, That Is, a Generall Viewe of Papistry Wherein the Whole Mysterie of Iniquitie, and Summe of Antichristian Doctrine Is Set Downe, Which Is Maintained This Day by the Synagogue of Rome (1592)
An Harmonie Vpon the First Booke of Samuel Wherein According to the Methode Obserued in Hexapla Vpon Genesis, and Exodus, But More Compendiously Abridged (1607)
A Fruitfull and Godly Sermon Preached at Paules Crosse Before the Honourable Audience and Assemblie There, This Present Yeare 1592. Vpon the 5. Chapter of the Prophesie of Zacharie, 1, 2, 3, 4 Verses. by A.W. (1592)
An Antilogie or Counterplea to an Apologicall (He Should Haue Said) Apologeticall Epistle Published by a Fauorite of the Romane Separation, and (as Is Supposed) One of the Ignatian Faction (1603)
de Vniversali Et Novissima Ivdaeorum Vocatione Secundum Apertissimam Divi Pauli Prophetiam, in Vltimis Hisce Diebus Prlstanda Liber Vnus. Vbi Demonstratur, Tum Quem in Modum Illius Gentis Conversio Expectanda Sit (1590)
Jenny in Space (Scott Foresman Reading: Red Level)