22 books • 3 series
"Draw Your Imagination
Inquinanti organici persistenti e loro effetti sulla crescita delle piante
Les polluants organiques persistants et leurs effets sur la croissance des plantes
Persistente organische Schadstoffe und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Pflanzenwachstum
Poluentes orgânicos persistentes e seus efeitos no crescimento das plantas
Rahul Gandhi
Unstoppable - Inspiring Stories of Triumph and Transformation
Czlowiek i Profesjonalny Nauczyciel
Professor Humano e Profissional
Enseignant professionnel et humain
Menschlicher und professioneller Lehrer
Insegnante umano e professionale
Humane and Professional Teacher
Internet of Things with 8051 and ESP8266
Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Arduino and Scilab based Projects
Getting Started for Internet of Things with Launch Pad and Esp8266 (River Publishers Series in Information Science and Technology) (River Publishers Information Science and Technology)
Arduino meets MATLAB
Internet of Things in Automotive Industries and Road Safety (River Publishers Series in Transport Technology)
Arduino-Based Embedded Systems
Embedded System Based on Atmega Microcontroller
Science Technology and Society