Kim Hornsby has been working on a bucket list her whole life. She's taught scuba in Fiji and Hawaii, as a singer opened shows for Jay Leno and Jamie Foxx, once found a boa constrictor under her bed, takes supplies to poverty-stricken Nicaraguan villages, sang on 60 Minutes, dove with dolphins, humpback whales and sharks and was the host of an infommercial. An Award-Winning novelist, Kim writes about women beating the odds under dire circumstances. Take an interesting location, add danger, supernatural and romance and you have a Kim Hornsby novel. She's shared space on the top five bestseller list with J.D. Robb, Stephen King and Dean Koontz as well as many other bestselling Supernatural/Suspense authors. Kim writes daily, blogs weekly, teaches writers how to be a rock star at conferences and is published by Amazon Encore, Kindle Worlds, Cajun Flair Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and her own publishing house, Top Ten Press. A mother, a wife, a messy housekeeper, a dog lover, tadpole wrangler and a voracious reader, Kim is an avid adventurer. She was born in Ontario, Canada, lived in Toronto, Vancouver, Maui, Whistler, Taipei, and now makes Seattle her home where she writes overlooking a tree-lined lake. She spends her mad money on travel and plane tickets are often found on her desk, reminding her to write bestsellers.