9 books
How Gertrude Teaches Her Children
How Gertrude Teaches Her Children; An Attempt to Help Mothers to Teach Their Own Children and an Account of the Method - Scholar's Choice Edition
Early Maryland Poetry Volume 36
The Sot-Weed Factor, Or, a Voyage to Maryland
The Maryland Muse. Containing I. the History of Colonel Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia. Done Into Hudibrastick Verse, from an Old Ms. II. the Sotweed Factor, or Voiage to Maryland. by E. Cooke, Gent. the Third Edition,
How Gertrude Teaches Her Children; An Attempt to Help Mothers to Teach Their Own Children and an Account of the Method
The Sot-Weed Factor, Or, a Voyage to Maryland; A Satyr
The Sot-Weed Factor
Early Maryland Poetry