Jodie Randisi has spent her career observing what it takes to connect with, motivate, and inspire human behavior. Known for her ability to cultivate hidden potential in marginalized populations, educational consultant Jodie Randisi has become an advocate for provided inmates with learning opportunities that lead to remarkable transformation and renewed proficiencies while incarcerated. While working as a prison volunteer, Jodie has found that education allows inmates to rebuild their legacies, which she says is one the most rewarding experience an educator can have. Jodie speaks professionally about the remarkable power of kindness. Her 2018 TEDx talk "The Art and Science of Kindness" addressed the affect we can have on someone's life by simply showing up and offering a consistent, compassionate connection. Drawing from her years as an educator and life coach for kids, Jodie's presentations, just like the books she publishes, create a strong and immediate emotional response resulting in a memorable experience. She was awarded South Carolina's Toastmaster of the Year, 2017, for the work she does to establish and maintain prison Toastmaster clubs throughout the state.