Professor Simon Judd has been a member of staff at Cranfield since August 1992, and has managed and/or procured most of the biomass separation MBR programmes conducted within the Centre since that time. He has been principal or co-investigator on three major UK research council-sponsored programmes dedicated to MBRs with respect to in-building water recycling, sewage treatment and contaminated groundwaters/landfill leachate, as well as two EU-sponsored MBR programmes (EUROMBRA and MBRTRAIN). He has also managed projects in membranes for potable and industrial water treatment, as well as in water recycling.

As well as publishing extensively in the research literature, Simon has co-authored three textbooks in membrane and MBR technology. Invited presentations at international membrane conferences have included five keynote papers. He has also provided consultancy to clients based in Denmark, Finland, Japan, Korea, North America, Switzerland and the UK, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.