Rachel Kramer Bussel is a writer, editor, event organizer, and erotica writing instructor. She's edited over seventy anthologies, including The Big Book of Orgasms, Come Again: Sex Toy Erotica, Dirty Dates, On Fire, Spanked, Please, Sir, and Please, Ma'am, and is the Best Women's Erotica of the Year series editor.
May 4, 2010
Cover of Please, Sir

Please, Sir

Nov 3, 2009
Cover of Peep Show

Peep Show

Jun 2, 2009
Cover of Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

Mar 3, 2009
Cover of Mile High Club

Mile High Club

Mar 1, 2009
Cover of Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb

Sep 1, 2008
Cover of Tasting Her

Tasting Her

Sep 1, 2008
Cover of Tasting Him

Tasting Him

Jul 28, 2008
Cover of Spanked


May 28, 2008
Cover of Rubber Sex

Rubber Sex

Feb 25, 2008
Cover of Yes, Sir

Yes, Sir

Feb 25, 2008
Cover of Yes Ma'am

Yes Ma'am

Aug 28, 2007
Cover of Crossdressing


Mar 19, 2007
Cover of He'S on Top

He'S on Top

Mar 16, 2007
Cover of She'S on Top

She'S on Top

Aug 1, 2005
Cover of Cheeky
