Alex Paul lives in Portland, Oregon in the winter and on the Oregon coast in the summer with his wife, Laura Ross-Paul. Their summer home is a small log cabin with a yurt for Laura's art studio. He began hunting when he was 20. He taught himself to hunt and has hunted for deer, elk, antelope and wild boar in Oregon, Washington, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. Alex began fishing when he found a fishing pole left in the garage of a home his parents moved to on the banks of the North Santiam River in Oregon.While his father was not interested in fishing, his mother faithfully accompanied him on trips to a special fishing hole on the river behind an abandoned wooden dam until she was confident he would not fall in and drown. Then he fished the river accompanied only by his two loyal dogs. That early interest in trout fishing transformed into a passion for salmon fishing and now Alex keeps a deep sea fishing boat, Ajax, in Astoria, Oregon. Friends and children join Alex in the summer crossing the Columbia River Bar to fish the Pacific Ocean. This love of the hunt has translated into a rich base of experience to draw on in writing his award-winning Arken Freeth series. Additional activities such as archery, fencing, Tae Kwon Do, long distance running and owning a horse have also given Alex first hand experience developing the skills Arken needs to survive in his world.