9 books
A Description of the Isle of Man
A Description of the Isle of Man: With Some Useful and Entertaining Reflections on the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Inhabitants (Large Text Classic Reprint)
The Manz Society, Vol. XI. Description of the Isle of Man
Missionary Labors and Results in the Hervey Islands in a Series of Letters
The History and Description of the Isle of Man; Viz. Its Antiquity, History, Laws, Customs, Religion and Manners of Its Inhabitants
A Speech Made May 28, 1717. It Being the Anniversary-Day of His Majesty's Happy Nativity. ... by George Waldron, ...
A Perswasive Oration to the People of Great Britain. to Stand Up in Defence of Their Liberty and Religion. by George Waldron,
A Speech Made to the Loyal Society, at the Mug-House in Long-Acre; June the 7th, 1716. Being the Day of Publick Thanksgiving, for Putting an End to That Late Most Unnatural Rebellion, ... by George Waldron, ...
The History and Description of the Isle of Man