DEREK BERES is a multi-faceted author and media expert based in Portland, OR. He is the Senior Editor at the DeFi company, Eco, and co-host of the Conspirituality podcast. A former reporter and magazine editor, he has written for Rolling Stone, National Geographic, Women’s Health, Big Think, and Yoga Journal. Derek taught group fitness at Equinox Fitness for 17 years, where he created Flow Play, an innovative program at the intersection of music, neuroscience, and movement. He is author of numerous books, primarily in the health and wellness space. MATTHEW REMSKI is an author, freelance journalist, and cult researcher, with bylines in The Walrus and GEN by Medium. He’s published eight books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. JULIAN WALKER grew up in South Africa and toured the country in an Anti-Apartheid rock band before fleeing the military draft to attend music school in Hollywood. He has been teaching yoga in Los Angeles for 27 years. Julian has run teacher training programs, led retreats, and taught workshops at Esalen Institute and Kripalu. He has been writing critically about New Age spirituality, gurus, and Western yoga culture since 2004.