Georgina is a cookbook-publisher who writes baking books for beginners. She has studied patissierie, pastry work and crafting pies at Denman College and in-depth professional catering at Cornwall College. During her MA in writing at Falmouth University, Georgina specialised in producing recipe books and received distinctions for her book layouts, design and writing. Georgina is from a family of very keen cooks and her Cornish great grandmother was a professional, Victorian chef who once cooked for the Lord Mayor of London. Her recipes focus on traditional English, Cornish and French cuisine and her interest extends to culinary delights from the Continent. As a writer, Georgina created a lexicon of words associated with baking in order to produce a broadly themed baking book, covering a wide range of baking skills and cakes. She has managed to condense many vintage bakes down into basic recipes and offer simple variations to create many classic cakes.