12 books
The Hessian Fly
The Chinch Bug
Some Insects Attacking the Steams of Growing Wheat Rye, Barley, and Oats: With Methods of Prevention and Suppression (Classic Reprint)
The Lesser Clover-Leaf Weevil (Classic Reprint)
The Spring Grain-Aphis or So-Called "Green Bug": Toxoptera Graminum Rond (Classic Reprint)
Preliminary Report on the Alfalfa Weevil (Classic Reprint)
Some Insects Affecting the Production of Red Clover Seed (Classic Reprint)
The Alfalfa Weevil (Classic Reprint)
The Spring Grain-Aphis or "Green Bug" (Classic Reprint)
The Corn Leaf-Aphis and Corn Root-Aphis (Classic Reprint)
Preliminary report on the alfalfa weevil