18 books • 3 series
Apple IIGS Assembly Language (The Bantam Apple IIGS Library)
WordPerfect Encyclopaedia (The Business productivity library)
DOS Subroutines for C and Assembler
80486 Programming
Assembly Language Subroutines for M. S.-DOS Computers
Teach Yourself WORD 5.0
Lotus Manuscript Book
8086/8088/80286 Assembly Language
Multimate's Advantage on the I.B.M. P.C.
WordPerfect 4.1
80286 Assembly Language on M.S.-DOS Computers
The WordPerfect Book
Multimate on the I. B. M. Personal Computer
A. T. & T. Personal Computer 6300 Made Easy
Microsoft WORD for the I. B. M. Personal Computer
68000, 68010, 68020 Primer
Easywriter II System Made Easy-Er (Prentice-Hall Personal Computing)
Aim 65 Laboratory Manual and Study Guide