Gabriel Alvarez was a long-haired, 20-year-old, L.A.-born Mexican with glasses trying to find a job in 1991. The odds were against him. Nobody wanted him. The only alternative? Intern for gratis at the latest magazine acquisition of Hustler publishing magnate Larry Flynt. Film Threat was a cool, anti-Hollywood, punk rock-type rag that gave the mainstream film press the kind of kick in the ass it needed. Alvarez quickly elevated to the position of Associate Editor.

Two years later, however, it was time to move on and Alvarez began working for another Flynt publication. Rap Pages was a hip hop mag that needed new creative energies to help it realize its potential. As Managing Editor, Alvarez expelled plenty of blood, sweat and tears and featured special graffiti, DJ and breakdance issues that intrigued a growing readership. Another three years later, though, it was time to roll the dice again.

His next job opportunity came in 1996 in the enticing form of ego trip, an amazingly creative magazine outta New York City, that made him an offer he couldn t refuse: a Managing Editor position demanding lots of hard work but no money. Displaying the sage decision-making skills that have guided his entire career, Alvarez immediately packs his bags and heads for the Rotten Apple. He begins freelancing extensively for The Source and Vibe. His status as an important critical voice grows. He even cuts his hair. He couldn t be happier. Or more broke.