Harris Kern is one of the world's leading personal mentors (www.disciplinementor.com) and organization performance consultant (www.disciplinetheorganization.com). He is a frequent speaker at business, leadership and management conferences. His passion is to help people excel in life by helping them develop their self-discipline skills to combat the top issues: severe procrastination, poor time management, ineffective goal management, lack of focus, no sense of urgency and being unmotivated. He also helps individuals improve their EQ skills (communication, relationship management, inter-personal, etc.) and leadership skills. He pioneered the Discipline Mentoring Program and Professional/Personal Growth Program (P(2)GP). Mr. Kern is recognized as the foremost authority on providing practical guidance for solving management issues and challenges. He has devoted over 30 years helping professionals build competitive organizations. His client list reads like a who's who of American and International Business. His client list includes Standard and Poor's, GE, The Weather Channel, NEWS Corporation, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal (HACTL), among hundreds of other Fortune500 and Global 2000 companies. Mr. Kern's goal is to arm individuals and organizations with the tools to empower them to become more productive and successful.