John Poch has taught in the creative writing program at Texas Tech University since 2001, and he serves as series editor for the Vassar Miller Poetry Prize at the University of North Texas. He was a Fulbright Core Scholar to the University of Barcelona in 2014. His other collections of poetry include Poems (2004), a finalist for the PEN/Osterweil Prize; Two Men Fighting with a Knife (2008), winner of the Donald Justice Award; Dolls (2009); and Fix Quiet (2015), winner of the 2014 New Criterion Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared in journals such as Agni, The Nation, New England Review, New Republic, Paris Review, Ploughshares, Southwest Review and Yale Review. He is a founding editor of 32 Poems Magazine and a co-editor of Old Flame: From the First 10 Years of 32 Poems Magazine.