I've lived both beautiful and broken breaths, and writing's my ministry. I write about:

- being a daughter of a prescription drug addict/alcoholic

- healing, hope

- grace, love

- encouragement

- forgiveness

- Dyslexia,

- brain injuries

- and Jesus

I'm thankful to be the wife of the most encouraging husband and together God linked our lives through merging tears, broken hope, a long embrace and many answered prayers. I received a fairy-tale ending and God gets the glory.

One of God's greatest blessings is a beautiful daughter that I had the honor of birthing. God met us both in years when I bent and she and I witnessed His mercy mend my brokenness.

When I extended my hand and heart to the man God sent; along came five beautiful blessings in the form of beating hearts, along with their eight precious 'littles' who call me 'Honey.'

I spend my days writing and loving Taylor's, all fifteen!