Author, Pamela Gail, was raised in the rich, coastal traditions of southeast Georgia. She has been married to her husband, Rick, for over 20 years, and they have two sons. As a wife and mother, she finds solitude and comfort in her creative outlets. Pamela expresses herself through stories that relay her deep appreciation of family and the virtue of life. Her hobbies include writing, reading, listening to music, wine tasting, and watching football. After graduating from college in South Carolina, Pamela returned to her hometown and was blessed with an amazing twenty-year career teaching elementary school. In 2018, she made the difficult, but right, decision to leave the only job she'd ever known in order to pursue her life-long dream of becoming a published author. In addition to writing, she owns several businesses that keep her busy. With little time to relax, Pamela cherishes the free time she has and enjoys spending it with family and friends.