15 books
Loteria para Marte
Coloring Book for Kids
Fight the COVID with yoga, dowsing, reiki, and magick
The Shem Ha-Mephorash's Angels Directory
My Clean Supernatural Experiences
Goetie illustree de cheminements initiatiques ( avec pathworks )
Meine sauberen ubernaturlich Erfahrungen sind real
Goetia illustree de cheminements initiatiques ( avec pathworks )
Goezia illustrata con i Percorsi
Goetia illustriert mit Pfadarbeit
Goetia ilustrada con Pathworkings
Self-Healing with Yoga, Dowsing, Reiki and Magick.
Goetia illustrated with pathworkings
The Magick of the Shem Ha-Mephorash 's Angels and Goetia's Demons
My Clean Psychic Experiences