DL Havlin is an eclectic author whose varied experiences and background provide him with a memory chest full of material for writing his novels. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati and attended pre-law at Rollins.His life has been as varied as his novels. Havlin's occupations have included tasks from systems analyst to world-wide customer service director and from licensed boat captain to football coach. He's in demand as a speaker and seminar presenter for relationship and writing skills. Havlin's passion for shing, hunting, Florida's wilderness, and its historical heritage, frequently appear in his writing and his speaking engagements. His tales are just as likely to be set in Kiev, Singapore, London, Saxonhausen or ther places in the over eighty countries he's visited. Their people and customs resonate in his novels. Known for creating memorable characters, his interjection of humor, and his carefully crafted plots, reading a DL Havlin book is always a pleasurable experience.