Chantel Acevedo's novels include Love and Ghost Letters (St. Martin's Press), which won the Latino International Book Award and was a finalist for the Connecticut Book of the Year, Song of the Red Cloak, a historical novel for young adults, A Falling Star (Carolina Wren Press), winner of the Doris Bakwin Award, and National Bronze Medal IPPY Award, and The Distant Marvels, (Europa Editions), one of Booklist's Top Ten Historical Novels of 2015. THE LIVING INFINITE, a novel about the Infanta Eulalia, is forthcoming from Europa Editions in 2017. Her fiction and poetry have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and have appeared in Prairie Schooner, American Poetry Review, North American Review, and Chattahoochee Review, and in chapbook form, among others. Acevedo is currently an Associate Professor of English in the MFA Program of the University of Miami.