Few people have the distinct viewpoint of being born into Hollywood royalty. But Elizabeth Michaels is one of the fortunate few who did just that. As the daughter of a Hollywood screenwriter, Ms. Michaels was indeed no stranger to the world of privilege. Her childhood home was a Malibu beach house. Later, in her teen years, she enjoyed the comforts of a second family home in Brentwood, California. Like all teenagers, Ms. Michaels experienced a period of rebellion and rejected the opportunities so many others would have instantly coveted had they been given the chance to do so. Young, beautiful, and backed by a healthy trust fund, Elizabeth ignored the relentless pleadings of her parents to marry a certain type of man, and ventured out to discover life. She posed for an adult magazine for kicks, auditioned for and performed in several film and stage productions, travelled to Europe on a whim, became a competitive skier, and hitchhiked across the United States with nothing more than duffel bag and a keen sense of direction. It was experiences such as these that planted the seed for a future life as a Human Sexuality Therapist and Author. In her professional life, Elizabeth Michaels has honed her skills as a master storyteller with over twenty five years of writing experience. After earning a degree in English Literature, she has found extraordinary success in several areas of creative writing by working as a Humorist, Columnist, Author, and Screenwriter. Before writing became her full-time career, Ms. Michaels was also an accomplished and well-respected Psychologist, having earned her credentials from Willamette University and the University of Southern California. Her extensive education and unique real life experiences have provided her with the skills to not only understand the human mind, but to successfully write about human nature as well. Reviewers of her work requently comment on how she can seamlessly transport the reader directly into the story with her phrases and subtle descriptions. Hopefully, you will enjoy taking a journey into this creation of hers as well.