The themes of identity and love amid difficult circumstances often show up in R.L. Toalson's writing, and no matter their gender or genre preferences, children and young adult readers around the world enjoy and anticipate her hopeful message of bravery, transparency and the human capacity to change the world, at least a small part of it. She is the author of the middle grade fantasy series, Fairendale, about a tyrant king (who may not be quite as bad as he seems) pursuing a group of magical children who become what we know as fairy tale villains (for one good reason or another), and other children's, middle grade, and young adult literature in the works. R.L. Toalson's own journey into writing is a long and straight-line one. She began penning stories in small-town Texas on white computer paper back when she was a kid. When she got to college, she rose through the ranks of her college newspaper, this time telling true stories. That's where her writing career began-sitting with unusual people, gathering information, soaking up the stories of everyday life. In 2015, she ended her newspaper days as a managing editor, with multiple writing accolades accrued over the years, so that she could become a full-time author of both fiction and nonfiction. Born in Houston, R.L. lives with her husband and six boys in San Antonio, Texas, where she faithfully writes at least 5,000 words a day, five days a week. To get a free book from her starter library, visit