24 books • 3 series
Travels with Marcy
Cherry Girl
The Hard Guys
The Whip Mistress
The Ring
With Open Mouth (New Traveller's Companion, #60)
The Wantons
Cruel Lips (New Traveller's Companion, #56)
The Devil's Advocate
Rape (New Traveller's Companion, #55)
The House of the Borgias
Lusts of the Borgias
Sweet Friction (Erotic Classics)
Seduced (Victorian erotic classics)
Unbound (Victorian erotic classics)
The Complete "Erotic Reader"
Venus in Lace (Victorian erotic classics)
The French Way
Roman Orgy (New Traveller's Companion)
Adam and Eve
House of Borgia
The Loins of Amon