47 books • 1 series
One Busy Book (Big Book)
One Busy Book
Llyfrau Lloerig: Bympyti-Bymp
Pont Readalone: Bump in the Night
Panig yn y Panto
Cyfres Llyffantod: Nadolig Llawen, Sglod
Hoppers Series: Happy Christmas, Sglod!
Pont Readalone: Behind You!
Cyfres Llyffantod: Brenin y Tonnau - Hoff Gerddi Sglod (Llyfr Mawr)
Pont Readalone: Funfair of Fear
Hoppers Series: Jumping the Waves - Sglod's Favourite Poems (Big Book)
Llyfrau Lloerig: Ffair Arswyd
Cyfres Llyffantod: Brenin y Tonnau - Hoff Gerddi Sglod
Hoppers Series: Jumping the Waves - Sglod's Favourite Poems
Cyfres Llyffantod: Sglod a Blod (Cam Cyntaf)
Cyfres Llyffantod: Sglod a Blod
Drama Ddosbarth Sglod a Blod
Cyfres Llyffantod: Sglod ar y Môr
Hoppers Series: Sglod at Sea
Act It Out! - Sglod and Chips (Play Pack)
Hoppers Series: Sglod and the Sand-Dragon
Cyfres Llyffantod: Sglod a Blod (Llyfr Mawr)
Hoppers Series: Sglod and Chips