As early as she can remember, Lisa and her brother were always decked out in hand knit and crochet jumpers, hats, scarves and gloves, lovingly made by their Mum and Nana. Her Mum and mentor sadly passed away when Lisa was still a child, however, it has been something of a comfort to her to carry on developing the skills that her Mum taught her. She has always tweaked designs and created one-offs of her own when she couldn't find a pattern she liked, so it felt very natural for Lisa to start designing her own patterns. Lots of inspiration for her patterns have been gleaned from places where her and her family spend time whilst touring around the UK in their caravan. It's from their caravan jaunts that she came up with the idea for her book Delicious Crochet Shawls, sitting in quaint tea rooms drinking fancy tea and eating delicious cakes and treats, it gave her the idea of creating patterns that tickle the taste buds and allow you to indulge yourself in creativeness. Lisa is thrilled to have realised her dream of creating her own book and hopes you enjoy her tantalising offerings as much as she has enjoyed creating them.