27 books • 6 series
African Elephant vs. Woolly Mammoth (Beastly Battles)
Steller's Sea Eagle vs. Pteranodon (Beastly Battles)
Hippopotamus vs. Stegosaurus (Beastly Battles)
Ostrich vs. Velociraptor (Beastly Battles)
Siberian Tiger vs Sabre-Toothed Cat (Beastly Battles)
Halloween (Traditions & Celebrations)
Rhinoceros vs. Triceratops (Beastly Battles)
Crocodile vs. Deinosuchus (Beastly Battles)
Siberian Tiger vs. Saber-Tooth Cat (Beastly Battles)
Great White Shark vs. Megalodon (Beastly Battles)
Thanksgiving (Traditions & Celebrations)
Veterans Day (Traditions & Celebrations)
New Year (Traditions & Celebrations)
Tiny But Deadly Creatures (Killer Nature)
Adorable but Deadly Creatures (Killer Nature)
Tiny but Deadly Critters (Killer Nature)
Silent But Deadly Plants (Killer Nature)
Cuddly but Deadly Animals (Killer Nature)
Beasts and the Battlefield Pack A of 4 (Beasts and the Battlefield)
Beastly Armour (Beasts and the Battlefield)
Beasts on the Battlefield (Beasts and the Battlefield)
Beasts and the Battlefield (Beasts and the Battlefield)
Beastly Armor Military Defenses Inspired by Animals
Beastly Armor (Beasts and the Battlefield)