33 books • 1 series
Physico-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from His Works of Creation (Volume 1)
Miscellanea Curiosa (Volume 3); Containing a Collection of Some of the Principal Phaenomena in Nature, Accounted for by the Greatest Philosophers of This Age Being the Most Valuable Discourses, Read and Delivered to the Royal Society as Also a Collection
A Natural History of Birds
Traite D'horlogerie Pour Les Montres Et Les Pendules
Select Remains of the Learned John Ray, M.A. and F.R.S. with His Life
Derham's Physico and Astro Theology
Select Remains of the Learned John Ray ...
Astro-Theology (Anglistica & Americana S., #78)
Physico-Theology (Anglistica & Americana S., #162)