15 books
Encore La Religion d'Argent (Classic Reprint)
Catholic Nations and Protestant Nations
La Religion d'Argent (Classic Reprint)
Le Culte Du Dimanche, Ou Cinquante-Deux Simples Discours
Sacred Scenes (Classic Reprint)
52 Simples Discours
Elans de l'ame vers Dieu
Le Reveil Irlandais
Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared
Upliftings of the Soul to Its God, Tr. from the Fr
Le Culte Domestique Pour Tous Les Jours de L'Annee (1)
Les Nations Catholiques Et Les Nations Protestantes
Le Culte Domestique Pour Tous Les Jours De L'annee, Volume 2...
The Religion of Money; and Other Narratives
Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared, in their Threefold Relations to Wealth, Knowledge, and Morality. by Rev. Napoleon Roussell [!] ...With An introd. by the Hon. and Rev. Baptiste Noel...