16 books
Reviewers Reviewed, or Observations on Article II. of the British Critic
A Letter Addressed to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of St. David's, Joint Patron of the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews (Classic Reprint)
Poems (Classic Reprint)
Reviewers Reviewed
Thoughts on the Scriptural Expectations
Was Hat Die Christl. Kirche Nach Den Verheissungen Der Heil. Schrift Zu Erwarten?...
Thoughts on the Scriptural Expectations; Of the Christian Church
Palingenesia, the World to Come [In Verse, by L. Way].
Palingenesia. the World to Come. [A Poem. with an Appendix of Short Poems. [By Lewis Way.]
Reviewers Reviewed; Or, Observations on Article II. of the British Critic for January 1819, New Series, Entitled, "On the London Society for
Reviewers Reviewed; Or, Observations on Article II. of the British Critic for January 1819, New Series, Entitled, on the London Society for Converting the Jews.
Jewish Rights at the Congresses of Vienna (1814-1815) and Aix-La-Chaplle (1818)
A letter addressed to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of St. David's
Jewish Rights at the Congresses of Vienna (1814-1815) and AIX-La-Chapelle (1818)
Antipas; A Solemn Appeal to the Right Reverend the Archbishops and Bishops of the United Churches of England and Ireland. with Reference to