15 books • 1 series
Avery's Island
Rachel's Cowboy Romance (Love Along the Cimarron, #7)
Kye and Bella's Perfect Love
Eli Takes a Wife
Love at Calf Creek
The Heart of Lisbeth
Matt's Nurse
Abel's Flock
Strictures on Subjects Chiefly Relating to the Established Religion and the Clergy
Real Charity and Popular Charity
The Church Her Own Enemy, Letters on the Late Attack [Entitled Address to the Church Missionary Society] of the Archdeacon of Bath [J. Thomas] Upon Th
Free Thoughts on the Bath Missionary Society, and on the Address to That Assembly by ... Josiah Thomas, by a Friend to Consistency [E.T. Pilgrim]....
An Address to a Meeting Holden at the Town-Hall, in the City of Bath, Under the Presidency of the Hon. and Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Gloucester, on Monday, the 1st. Day of December, 1817
A Poetick Epistle to a Curate. by Josiah Thomas, A.B.