Jackie Chase, [WorldTravelDiva.com and CulturesOfTheWorld.com], has traveled to over 100 countries and specializes in staying in re-mote villages in order to use her keen observations and photo-journalism skills to share her insights with her reader fans. She has traveled alone, with a child, with family, and with friends; she has earned 29 awards from international book contests from 2014 to date of printing; she shares with the public many of the travel secrets she has experienced in her book titled, "How to Become an Es-cape Artist" A Traveler's Handbook. The Handbook was tested for several years with students in a college evening class, and they soaked up Jackie's hints and the many ways to avoid disappointment, reduce expenses and frustrations, navigate the issues of visas, language, customs, currencies, accommodations, transportation, attitudes, danger, travel alone, and other problems all covered in over 190 segments in the book. Her "All Hands Working Together" Cruise for a Week: Meet 79 Cultures book treats cruising in a unique way to learn about cultures; the reader experiences personal contact with crew-members from many of the 79 countries they represent, and from many skills they possess. Jackie Chase has written definitive books on "People to Meet" in contrast to "Places to See." She convinces her readership to look beyond mountains, lakes and buildings to see world inhabitants of all continents as potential friends and shows how much we have in common. She shows how to bridge gaps created by custom and language in "100 People to Meet before You Die: Travel to Exotic Places." This book, [as well as the others], are available in color, gray-scale, and, with stunning images in eBooks that come to life on back-lit screens. This anthology contains 321 of those story-telling images ward-winning prose about her adventures in twelve countries. For her fans of a particular country, she has twelve "singles" in print and in eBook format, plus at least one (Panama) translated into Spanish. For children, from small up through teens, a "winner" of a book is "Giraffe-Neck Girl" Make Friends with Different Cultures. It is about a ten-year-old girl in Thailand who warms the hearts of young and old as she shares her different life and customs. Jackie Chase's 2016 book, "Walking to Woot" A Photographic Narrative Discovering New Dimensions for Parent-Teen Bonding has won 15 international awards in the genres of Parenting, Multi-Cultural, and Travel, and it contains both poetic descriptions and visual ones with its 180 images of life with stone-age tribal warriors who haven't changed customs in a thousand years. The New Guinea nu-clothed villagers welcomed Jackie and her blond 14-year-old daughter to pig roasts, unusual customs, and dances. Jackie Chase loves to hear from her fans and to see copies of reviews they submit to the web. Contact her: JakartaMoon@hotmail.com.