36 books
Eight Sermons on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost
A Review of Mr. Phillip's History of the Life of Reginald Pole (Classic Reprint)
de Syriacarum Novi Foederis Versionum Indole Atque Usu Dissertatio; Philoxenianam Cum Simplici E Duobus Pervetustis Codd. Mss. AB Amida Transmissis Conferente Glocestrio Ridley LL.B.
The Life of Dr. Nicholas Ridley
Constitution in Church and State, 3 Sermons
Three Letters [By G. Ridley and T. Secker] to the Author of the Confessional [F. Blackburne.].
The Life of Dr. Nicholas Ridley; Sometime Bishop of London Shewing the Plan and Progress of the Reformation
A Sermon Preached Before the Honourable Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, and the Associates of the Late Reverend Dr. Bray
Eight Sermons on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost; Preached at the Cathedral of St. Paul in London in the Years MDCCXL, MDCCXLI, at the Lecture Founded by the Worthy Lady Moyer, Deceased
A Review of Mr. Phillip's History of the Life of Reginald Pole
The Good Christian Never Dies. a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, at the Funeral of William Berriman, D.D. February 10, 1749. by Gloucester Ridley, ... the Second Edition.
A Sermon Preached in the Parish-Church of Christ-Church, London, on Thursday May the 5th, 1757
The Christian Passover; Four Sermons in Which the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper Is Laid Down Preached in Lent, M, DCC, XXXVI. by Gloster Ridley
The Difference and Respective Use of the Moral, Civil and Ceremonial Law. a Sermon Preach'd at the Assizes Held at Norwich, on Wednesday, August 15, 1753. ... by Glocester Ridley, ...
The blessing of religion to civil societies. A sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Thetford, for the county of Norfolk, on Friday, March 23, 1753. ... By Glocester Ridley, ...
A Sermon Preached Before the Honourable Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, and the Associates of the Late Reverend Dr. Bray; ... March 20, 1745-6. in the Parish Church of St. Margaret, Westminster. by Glocester Ridley, ...
The Good Christian Never Dies. a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, at the Funeral of William Berriman, D.D. February 10, 1749. by Glocester Ridley, ... the Fifth Edition.
A Third Letter to the Author of the Confessional
The Christian passover in four sermons, in which the doctrine of the Lord's supper is laid down ... Written originally by a divine of the Church of England. Now revised, and enlarged, with some additional notes and improvements
The Good Christian Never Dies. a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, at the Funeral of William Berriman, D.D. February 10, 1749. by Glocester Ridley, ... the Fourth Edition
de Syriacarum Novi Fderis Versionum Indole Atque Usu Dissertatio; Philoxenianam Cum Simplici E Duobus Pervetustis Codd. Mss. AB Amida Transmissis Conferente Glocestrio Ridley LL.B.
The Lord's Prayer Considered; And Applied to a Vindication of the Liturgy of the Church of England, in a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary-Le-Bow on St. Mark's-Day, 1755. ... by Glocester Ridley,
The Good Christian Never Dies. a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, at the Funeral of William Berriman, D.D. February 10, 1749. by Glocester Ridley, ... the Third Edition.
A Sermon Preached at the Parish-Church of St. Andrew Holborn, on Thursday, May 17th, 1764. Before the Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Governours, of the City of London Lying-In Hospital for Married Women, ... by Glocester Ridley, ...