Lorraine Lander - My Interesting Life I was born in a rural area of western New York, in what's called the Finger Lakes region. What's interesting about growing up in a rural area is the different kids you get to hang out with, from the richest to the poorest, we all lived near each other and went to the same school. My father took me hiking when I was growing up and taught me to find my way around the woods as well as how to find my way home. He helped me become comfortable in nature, to have a good sense of direction, and now I seldom get lost when I travel. My father led an interesting life with lots of hobbies and adventures and traveled to some special places. I found myself inspired by his life. So, here are some interesting things I've done. I've raised four children (two boys and two girls), which was definitely interesting. I lived most of my adult life in Rochester, New York, and several years ago returned to country living. Currently I live on a windy hillside with a great view of the sunset each evening, along with a dog named Sierra and a cat named James Bond. I like adventure and travel is one way to enjoy it. My favorite travel adventures include seeing an iceberg in Newfoundland, staying on the slopes of an active volcano (Arenal) in Costa Rica, swimming with dolphins and stingrays in the Caribbean, and camping at high altitudes in the Rocky Mountains. I've visited the Scottish Highlands and hiked the Fairy Glen. I also dipped my toes in the Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye where my camera mysterious recorded several videos to ensure that I would remember my visit. The Bay of Fire in Tasmania with the black swans that swim there is further inspiration for a future story about pirates. I wish all of you the Good Life with many interesting adventures.