17 books • 7 series
Zulu War (Men-at-Arms)
Byzantine Infantryman (Warrior S., v. 118)
6005: Ancient Armies (Concord - Fighting Men)
6008: Warlord Armies (Concord - Fighting Men)
6007: Age of the Crusades (Concord - Fighting Men)
6004: Barbarians (Concord - Fighting Men)
Ancient Celts (Concord Fighting Men 6000 S., #6003)
Imperial Rome at War (Concord Fighting Men 6000 S., #6002)
Napoleon's Dragoons and Lancers (Men-at-Arms, #55)
Rome's Enemies (4) (Men-at-Arms, #180)
The Zulu War (Men-at-Arms)
Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies (Men-at-Arms, v. 239)
The Zulus (Elite, #21)
Lords of Middle-Earth, Vol 1
The Ancient Greeks (Elite, #7) (Histories)
History Wallcharts (Macmillan history wallcharts, pack 3)