Valentin Bojinov studied computer programming at the Technological School of Electronic Systems in Sofia, Bulgaria, a college within the Technical University of Sofia. He was introduced to programming there and realized that his career would be in research and development. He holds a BSc in telecommunication and information engineering. Then, his interest in data transmission grew, and he ventured into B2B (business-to-business) communication. He is currently pursuing his MSc in software development. Valentin is an expert in Java, SOAP, RESTful web services, and B2B integration.
A few years after he started his career as a .NET developer, he realized that B2B and SOA were his passion. He then moved to SAP, where he contributed to the development of the web services stack of the SAP JEE platform. He currently works as a senior Java developer for the Bulgarian branch of Seeburger AG, a leader in the B2B and MFT solutions market. There, he develops and maintains several B2B communication adapters, including web services and SAP adapters.