Autumn Rose is an award-winning13-year-old fashion designer and the owner of her growing company, d'ObviousRose. She is the founder of the Heart Full of Dreams Project charity and does yearly donations to young children. Autumn is the recipient of the Golden Arrowhead of Achievement and Distinction, as well as a citation from the Brooklyn Borough president in 2017.She also received the Kiddiepreneur, 2017 Celebrity Entertainment Business Awards (CEBA) award. She runs a YouTube channel with her younger sister called, "Its Autumn and Summer Time," where they try new things, learn together, and do reviews. "Dream, Believe, Achieve," is a phrase Autumn carries, encourages, and lives by so she can inspire other young kids to believe in their dreams.She is also the proud owner two 9-week-old Shih tzu puppies.Author website: