I m a great believer in Fate. Yeah, with a capital F . And I write in those terms. Why? Probably because my beloved husband said he fell in love with me the first time he saw me. You might ask if it was a two-way gig In a word, uh-uh. Not that he wasn t fine to the extreme, but I wasn t looking for forever more of a fun vacation experience. Yeah, so now we ve muddled our way through over sixteen years of marriage, and I have to admit to his superior intuition on that one!! So, if you re looking for an Alpha hero who just happens to know his life-mate when he sees them, don t be overly surprised. I write paranormal romance as TL Schaefer and erotic romance as Keira Ramsay. Why the split personality? Because I started out as TL Schaefer, and didn t want to confuse the heck out of the folks who loved that stuff when I went to the dark side . If you like your heroes in uniform (be they cops, firefighters, or military) and your heroines with a bit of quirk, then wing by my website www.tlschaefer.com and check out an excerpt or two to wet your whistle! Don't forget to check out my Blog, Facebook, and Twitter pages as well!